connection of two objects into one harmonious whole

2blokki home C as a semi-detached house

2023 / 2024

The project's investor, along with her own architect, came to us with a well-defined and clear vision for a holiday building of two units. The land is situated in the foothills of Moravský Karlov, near the borders of the Orlické Mountains, Kralický Sněžník, and Jeseníky. The result of successful cooperation with the investor and her architect Lenka Topilova is a semi-detached house based on the 2blokki home C type of construction.

As the general contractor of the building, we provided a complete turnkey implementation. From the creating project documentation, which included all the client's requirements and the specifics of the location, thru handling the building permit and the necessary administration, up to carried out all utility connection, foundation and retention basins on the site. Our company also took care of the interior furnishing in functional and minimalist design. Wooden wall cladding in rooms, large-format panels in a bathroom and even built-in beds.

The project of this semi-detached house demonstrates our ability to effectively use non-traditional building materials and transform them into a fully functional and aesthetically appealing holiday home.

Customer review:

“My original idea was to construct a country house with a spacious living area for the whole family to gather in. I met with the architect over coffee, and she informed me she is fully booked for a year at least. Same as any other good architect. Anyway, I explained her, we would like to celebrate next Christmas in the new house and then she understood she could not get rid of me easily. The architect explained to me that there is no possibility make it out of bricks so quick, however there is a way to do it with Blokki perhaps. What she already has had a previous experience with. When I saw their realization, I was happy to give up the original idea on what we would spend several years of building a country house, the building would freeze during the long construction time, meanwhile, the construction materials would increase in price 5 times and in the end, we might not even be able to financial handle to finish.

After creating the concept with the architect, who adjusted my original ideas to Blokki, we handed over the concept to the company H3 atelier for implementation. The company that builds Blokki modular buildings. Although from the beginning of the project the construction was accompanied by various complications (starting with the difficult approval process and ending with unstable ground on the site), Blokki actually managed to turn every obstacle into a positive, which I am now very happy for. The approach of the whole team was always professional and at the same time very friendly. Thanks to this, I left every meeting with the confidence that I was in good hands as a customer.

It was my first (and probably last) construction project, and I am glad that I can proudly say that I was lucky to have professionals who value perfect results and put their hearts into their work, which is visible in every last detail!

I recommend Blokki to anyone looking for a fast, quality and timeless home while avoiding a lengthy construction process with an uncertain result."

Karolína Juřenová

Modul: Reference